Even if Facebook Ads and Chatbots are a hot marketing topic, why is it so difficult to get clients and convince prospects of selling these services?
And how can we find clients that could be interested in social media marketing?
And how can we find clients that could be interested in social media marketing?
In this article, I’ll explain how I started creating and selling ads and chatbots for an average of 6 clients per month. Let’s get started.
Living in London, my mailbox is always full of flyers. Restaurants, shops, bars… Every business in my area uses flyers to promote their product and offer discounts.
One day, while I was throwing away the usual amount of leaflets, I had an intuition. All those people were spending a lot of money sending pieces of paper around, and the majority of those flyers ended up in the garbage.
Were these businesses using Facebook Ads as well?
Were these businesses using Facebook Ads as well?
So I jumped on my computer, and I start searching for their Facebook pages. I wanted to figure out if they were promoting ads for discounts and coupon codes.
The first time I’ve done this was 3 years ago, so finding ads for a particular page wasn’t a piece of cake.
Nowadays we can know immediately if a page is running ads or not. You just need to visit the page and click on the link “Info and Ads”.
The first time I’ve done this was 3 years ago, so finding ads for a particular page wasn’t a piece of cake.
Nowadays we can know immediately if a page is running ads or not. You just need to visit the page and click on the link “Info and Ads”.
So, back at the time, I did my research, and in the end, I came up with a list of businesses that weren’t using any ads. I reached each one of them with an email saying more or less this:
Dear company, I’ve just received your flyer, and I was wondering if you’re using Facebook ads.The reason I write to you is that I’m an online marketer and I manage Facebook campaigns for several businesses. Through my long experience, I came to the conclusion that you can get a lot more results with an online ad campaign than with old-school advertisement. Not to mention that online promotion guarantees a lower cost, and the possibility to retarget visitors and customers of your shop.If you want, I can create an ad for you, like the one I’ve attached. The ad is connected to an automated set of messages in the Facebook chat and ultimately, leads to the coupon code.If you want to try, we can collaborate for the first month spending $200, and if you like the result, my fee will be $500 from the 2nd month.”
All you need is a mock of the ad, personalized to the client and attach it to the mail. If you want to get fancy, you can append the chatbot flow that leads to the voucher.
In my first attempt to search for clients, I got 5 businesses that replied yes to my proposal. 2 of them decided to continue after the 1st month, raising my fee to $500.
Counting that I spend $50 per month in ads, my profit is $150 in the first month and $450 from the second one.
In my strategy, Facebook Ads and Chatbots were what in online marketing is called “tripwires”. A tripwire is a low priced offer that’s sole purpose is to convert an audience into customers. The aim is to sell afterward expensive products.
And this is precisely what I’ve done with the 5 businesses that decided to start working with me.
I showed them an upsell in line with the tripwire.
I showed them an upsell in line with the tripwire.