#1 – Optimize Your Profile
Your profile is the first thing potential followers will see. It’s kinda like your storefront… and if it isn’t inviting they are going to walk right past.
There are four main components to your profile:
Profile Picture
Username & Tag Line
Website URL
#2 – Connect With Others In Your Niche
Find similar accounts in your niche and connect with them, and their followers.
What do I mean by this?
Well, if you find other accounts in your niche who have good growth and engagement rates their followers must be interested in the content they are sharing.
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And if your content is similar, then those followers may be interested in what you are sharing as well.
Don’t wait for potential followers to just stumble upon your profile – shove your profile in front of their faces!
Another great way to connect with others in your niche is to use the ‘suggested accounts’ that Instagram shows you. These generally pop up when you follow an account, and a list of other profiles will appear.
#3 – Post Regularly!
Instagram is all about consistency, so if you want your account to grow you need to post daily.
Now don’t go overboard and post five times a day, because that will just be annoying and turn followers away.
Quality over quantity!!
Use your analytics or track your engagement to know when it’s the best time to post (what time of the day are your followers most engaged). You need to stay relevant and show your followers they can rely on you for content.
Post one or two quality posts a day, at optimized times.
#4 – Use Relevant Hashtags
I want you to think of hashtags of like your best mate.
They are there to support you on your journey and to keep people engaged in your content.
These are the search terms that people will type in to find relevant photos or accounts to follow. You need to show up where you should, so using appropriate hashtags is vital.
Get specific about what you do as this will attract more targeted followers to your account (people who are actually interested in your content).
You have a total of 30 hashtags that you can use. Mix it up! Use a variety of hashtags that describe the particular photo you are sharing, as well as what your entire account is all about.
#5 – Post With A Purpose
To get the most engagement on your posts, you need to have a purpose for their creation.
What do you want the post to achieve?
Is it going to inspire, motivate, inform, sell, cross-promote etc.
Just chucking up any old photo with a quick crappy caption is not going to get you anywhere. This is where strategy comes into play.
Winging it will only get you so far! You need to understand your followers and post content that they are interested in and will engage with.